Neurological Examination of Limbs

About This Website

The purpose of this website is to improve the clinician's skill in performing the manual muscle test (MMT) and sensory and reflex testing of the limbs. This website includes descriptions, photographs, and narrated video clips of these tests and of patients with related functional deficits.

First-time visitors should review the Introduction. This provides details on the organization and use of the site.

This work is a distillation of what I have come to use in clinical practice which began in 1962. I am sure having had polio as a teenager in 1953 has colored my approach. My exposure to a master clinician during three years of residency also colored my approach. I cannot emphasize enough, the influence Dr. Edward Delagi had, not only on me but on many clinicians over his long career which began during World War II.

Gerald J. Herbison, M.D.
Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Jefferson Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Author's website